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Meet Dan

For those that may not know me that well, I find it important to introduce myself. I am a long-time resident of Southside, and I am proud to call it my hometown. I am married to my wife Bonnie and have two children, John Childs and Julie Childs Buford. As for my work experience, I am retired from Goodyear where I was a tool and die maker. While at Goodyear, I was honored with the “Spirit Award” for both the Gadsden plant and the district. Additionally, I served in the Army National Guard 157th Armored Division, Battalion Maintenance, for seven years.     

Southside municipal government is something for which I am quite familiar. Previously, I was elected and served five terms on the Southside City Council. I have served on the Southside Water Board for many years and continue to serve on that board today. Additionally, I have served on the Southside Volunteer Fire Department for years, eight of which as assistant fire chief. I assisted in the organization of the Southside Fire Medic program and served as EMT.  

As an active member of Southside Baptist Church, my faith has been an integral part of my life. I have served as chaplain with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and with the Etowah County Sheriff’s Department. I have taught Sunday School at my church for many years. I am actively involved with Samaritan's Purse on disasters, construction, and international deployments. For many years, I participated in mission trips to Honduras with Honduras Baptist Dental Missions (Mission Bautista Dental De Honduras) where we provided medical, dental, optometry, construction, and evangelistic services. Currently, I am involved with our “Ramp Building” ministry at Southside Baptist where we design and construct wheelchair ramps for people in our local area.

I hope this brief biography has helped you to learn a bit more about me. I look forward to meeting and knowing each one of you during my campaign. 

Dan Childs      


Paid for by Dan Childs, 3129 Jenkins Cir South, Southside, Alabama 35907
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